Port Hardy RCMP join Kwakwaka'wakw Youth Canoe Days

Port Hardy

2024-09-18 08:26 PDT

During the week of August 26 to 30, Port Hardy RCMP joined Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Health & Family Services in their Kwakwaka'wakw Youth Canoe Days. 

Photo of Indigenous youth paddling with elders in the canoe journey.

The Youth Canoe Days included youth from the Gwa’sala Nakwaxda Nation, Kwakiutl First Nations and the Quatsino First Nations. Each day included Indigenous ceremonial and cultural events, knowledge sharing, meals, games, singing, sports, and when the weather cooperated, canoeing to various location within Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw territories.

On August 27, 2024, Cst. Edward Harrison from Port Hardy RCMP Indigenous Policing Service and Sgt. Trevor Busch, acting detachment Commander attended in the Port Hardy police vessel and escorted the Canoe Journey from T’sakis (Fort Rupert) to Shell Island. On August 28, 2024 , Cst. Harrison and Cpl. Anthony Giroux attended in the Port Hardy Police Vessel and escorted the Canoe Journey from T’sakis to Cattle Island.

Photo of Cst. Harrision operating the Port Hardy police vessel to escort the canoe journey.

Throughout the week Cst. Harrison attended and participated in multiple activities during the Kwakwaka'wakw youth week, interacting with community members, youth and elders. Cst. Harrison was also invited to speak in a circle discussion with event organizers, participants and elders, and was given the opportunity to give thanks for being included in the events.

It was such an honour to participate in these events and see such a positive connection with the community and having police presence there, said Cst. Harrison from Port Hardy RCMP’s Indigenous Policing Service.

The highlight of the event for me was witnessing the paddlers moving in absolute synchronicity while singing traditional songs. This was a very powerful and emotional experience for me, and is something I will never forget. It was an honour to be included, added Cst. Harrison.

Photo of elders and indigenous community members paddling in the canoe journey.

Port Hardy RCMP would like to thank the Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Health & Family Services for organizing such a great event and including the RCMP to participate in the Kwakwaka'wakw Youth Canoe Days.

Released by:
Sgt. Trevor Busch
Acting Operations NCO
Port Hardy RCMP

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